Friday, January 20, 2012

A Love Poem

The moment I laid eyes on you I knew
There was something about you
Didn't really know what was in store for me

Embraced your masculine physique
Brownskin, luscious lips, almond eyes
Your tone of voice soothed my mind

Never thought that embracing you would bring an epiphany
One that would tell a tale of you and me
You weren't my average pick

Yet I was drawn to you beyond me..
The way you moved, your swagger, your verbal skills
Little did I know the conversation would be tantalizing

You had me hanging on to every word
Every verse sent waves to my cerebrum
I captured the visual of your stanzas

My heart warmed & my soul ignited
There has never been another to do this to me
Fo real, your essence has kept me

The LOVE you give is unconditional
Yet it seems unbelievable & intangible
Never thought that this would be afforded to me

Yet I stand in awe THANKFUL
Unto YHWH for what had been given to me
You, My Husband, homie, lover, friend

In the end we all WIN
I'm Blessed with You
And You blessed with me


Dedicated to my beauski!! I love you!!!