Thursday, April 28, 2011

Me Defining a Bastard Child

Some say a Bastard child would be one
Who was conceived out of wedlock
Others say it is one who came thru a tragedy
I.E. a rape or incestuous act

Well I have pondered on this thang
And I think I have another theory
Although an orphan is defined as one who

Is not wanted by his mother or father
I deem this thought more defining for a bastard child
There are more theories that are suitable like the one who is

Raised by one parent only to have the other involved
Whenever the parent chooses, leaving the child to be
Raised inadequately and unbalanced

This is only my personal perspective and theory
Not to be tested or written in stone
Just a thought to ponder when one has reached

An area of confusion where bastard children are concerned
So are you a bastard child and have you made one?
I know it sounds harsh but don’t be dismayed

For there are many that come thru these avenues and
Yet they are successful beings, living life to fullest
Capacity, therefore being a bastard child is not all bad

Signed: Learning to live as me, Just as I am

What is this?

What is this feeling I feel inside
One where I long to be elevated beyond measure
What is this sound I hear within my mind
Long before the call of life

I realized that you was me and I was in you
My very being exist within you and
Without you I am nothing

What is this that pulls me closer to you
A yearning to be complete, to fill the voids
So they exist no more

Some say you don't truly live until
You live thru the eyes of your Spirit
For the body is only a capsule that holds the soul

What is this that I speak of
Life thru the Spirit, yes tis true
The real way of living

Only to see things for how they really are
No more perspectives driven upon me by my mind
No I wish to live FREE in THEE

What is this? Spirit Living only; and mind living conquered
Only to learn that cloud nine is attainable every day
What it is; only my life can display

Me living in the True Me in this world
Finally free, nothing to hold me back

Signed: abstract writing...Me