Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Feeling Spiritually anemic?

As a spiritual person have you ever wondered why there are pockets of your life where you just feel drained and fatigue? I have found that even within our spiritual walks we can become anemic.

In our day to day walks of life we allow ourselves to be filled with the garbage of the world. Have you ever heard of the saying what you put in is what you get out? Well this holds true in the physical aspect as well as the spiritual. Watching constant television that encourages you to seek out material wealth and gain, the exploitation of women and sex, and the violence of action packed dramatizations. Too much of any of these things without postive balances can be detrimental to your very spiritual being.

The music we listen to, the clothes we wear, the friends we entertain, the substances we ingest, all these factors play their roles in the outcome of our being. This is considered in the physical and spiritual. How much time do you spend reading and digesting the word of God? How much time do you fellowship with sister and brethren of your like mind in the spiriual realm? How much time do you spend worshipping? All this may determine whether or not you shall become spiritually anemic.

Would you only eat junk food all the days of your life and never indulge in fruit, grains, poultry and vegetables. Things that will give energy and sources of proteins, vitamins, along with a wealth of great strength.

What then does the word of God say about such things? Jesus reminds us that our true sustenance comes from Jehovah...

Matthew 4:4
Man does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God."

Look deep within yourself and see if you have been depriving yourself of the nutrients that God has for you. If so you may want to take the time now to make things right. Restructure your diet and plan to get a greater source of health wealth in Jehovah than of this world.

Peace and Blessings


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